Hi, I’m George.
This is my 2014 WordPress website.
- My old blogs are at :
- http://www.phreak.co.uk/stonehenge/psb/dicegeor.htm
- and facebook https://www.facebook.com/dicegeorge
- see
- my http://www.dicenews.com/ hotlinks
- and http://www.stonehengecampaign.org.uk/stonecam.htm
- and http://www.tribalvoices.org.uk/
- and http://www.rainbowcircle.co.uk/
Hi ho George, cool website! x
Hi George! We met back in 95 at Wisley Airfield and the Rainhow Centre. Looking for Shanes VE Day and Wisley pics plus more, from 95. Any idea where they are now? Tim.
veday photos should be where i put them many years ago at